Advanced Data Modeling

Training Summary
Data modeling takes on many forms, from domain object modeling through logical entity relationship modeling to relational data modeling: but all of these forms are different stages in the process of modeling data as a project progresses through its development and deployment phases. This course takes the broader perspective on data modeling by following the data modeling process from inception to retirement. The use of best practices to maintain consistency and correctness when transitioning from model type to model type is emphasized throughout the course.For each model type, the course extends the coverage and rigor of the topics introduced in the introductory course. For example, the problems of completeness and correctness are addressed in domain object modelling.The section on entity relationship models stresses the underlying mathematical model incorporating entity predicates, attribute functions and nary relationships to ensure high quality and robust logical models. The relational models are looked at in terms of their design to support nonfunctional requirements of concurrency, locking, indexing schemes and other more advanced topics. This course also introduces two other models that the logical model maps to: the data warehouse dimensional model, and the mapreduction big data model.The second part of the course focuses on the management of data models within an organization over time because data requirements changes force changes in data models. For example, changing the structure of an existing data model to capture information not required before, merging data from two different data models, archiving and restoring data to different models, data transformations for business intelligence or data mining and the always problematic issue of data retirement.
Students are assumed to have completed the Introduction to Data Modeling course and are familiar with: ObjectOriented domain modeling, including the concepts of types, inheritance and aggregation? Entity Relationship concepts (entities, relationships and attributes)? Relational Modeling covering joins, unions, projection and selection operations, keys, nulls and the first three normal forms.
3 Days/Lecture & Lab
The course is intended for DBAs, data designers or modelers or anyone else who needs an in depth understanding of the role, structure and use of data in an organization.
Course Topics
  • Data Architecture
  • The Data Process
  • Data Management
  • Domain Object Modeling I
  • Domain Object Modeling II
  • ER Modeling I
  • ER Modeling II
  • Relational Modeling I
  • Relational Modeling II
  • Other Implementations
  • Changing the Model
  • Data Transformations
  • Data Retirement

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