Advanced SQL, Native SQL Procedures & Query Tuning on Db2 for z/OS

Training Summary
Get ready to tackle a variety of Db2 topics that will take any developer or DBA to the next level. This class starts with SQL programming concentrating on joins, subqueries, and table expressions. Workshops will take place coding complex queries to drive the logic in these areas home. Workshops build in this area where you will eventually see 3,4,5 different ways to code and get the same results. Material is always taught with a slant on performance. Class continues learning the native SQL-PL language and how to code, deploy, and test stored procedures. Best practices in all areas of this language are covered. And finally learn what makes queries, programs, and applications run too long. Every developer and DBA should know how to read and analyze a Db2 explain, and the IBM Data Studio tool does a great job at visualizing the explain output. You will leave this class feeling more confident in many areas of Db2!
A working knowledge of Db2 for z/OS.
5 Days/Lecture & Lab
Developers and Database Administrators using Db2 for z/OS.
Course Topics
  • Complex Joins
  • Multiple Query Blocks
  • Table Expressions and Views
  • IBM Data Studio
  • Introduction to Stored Procedures
  • The SQL Procedure Language
  • Error Handling in SQL PL
  • Global Temporary Tables
  • Native SQL Logistical & Performance Considerations
  • Unified Debugger in IBM Data Studio
  • Query Tuning with IBM Data Studio

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