
Training Summary
This course explores using the Angular model-view-controller framework to develop robust client-side applications that work in Web browsers. Angular adds a structured framework that binds model data to DOM elements without the need for to program the interaction. This course uses a progressive approach to quickly introduce how Angular binds JavaScript data and functions to HTML, how the digest cycle is used to update the DOM and trigger JavaScript methods bi-directionally, building services to implement business processes, defining routes for single-page applications, creating custom directives to simplify presentations, and communicating with web services to get and put data. Unit testing is stressed in Angular, introduced early in the course, and used throughout the course labs. End-to-end integration testing explores testing the components together and driving tests through the user interface. The progressive, layered approach provides a rock-solid foundation in how to build Angular applications in a short time frame.
Familiarity with HTML5 and CSS3. Experience with client-side JavaScript programming, including using closures and prototypes. Object-oriented programming and Node.js experience is a plus. Administrative privileges on the computer used in class. Internet connectivity. Node.js and Bower modules will be installed from their respective repositories on the Internet and any firewalls or restrictions on browsing must allow access. An IDE designed for client-side development: WebStorm, Komodo, and Brackets are excellent candidates. The Chrome web browser. Node.js and Git.
3 Days/Lecture & Lab
Course Topics
  • Foundations
  • Directives and Expressions
  • Node.js
  • Models and Controllers
  • Unit Tests
  • Services, Collections and Filters
  • Scope, Routing and Templates
  • End-to-End Testing
  • Server communication with AJAX
  • Directives
  • Scaffolding

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