Techniques to Improve How You Debug Servers

This is a presentation on techniques for production debugging. Tal Weiss, CEO and one of the founders at Takipi, has spent years trying to understand when, where, and why code breaks.

“What I want to talk about today is some really efficient techniques that have to do with being able to debug code much more efficiently based on research that we’ve done and the experience we’ve accumulated as a team over the years, working with our many customers, and to share those techniques with you.”

Some of the ideas he presents are foundational, others are techniques Takipi uses in their everyday work and have found helpful, and some delve into deeper and more advanced ideas. These topics include:

  • Reporting Thread States
  • Programmatic jstacks
  • Btrace
  • Custom Java agents
  • The Serviceability Agent

“Production debugging is hard, and it’s getting harder,” reads the opening line in SF Java’s summary for Tal Weiss’ presentation. Let Tal give you a hand by absorbing the things he’s come to understand over the years. For more help, to read more on the ideas discussed in his talk, and to follow along with Takipi’s ongoing published research, visit their blog:


Additional Resources from ProTech:


Published January 16, 2015