Python Fundamentals Tutorial: Variables

3. Variables

3.1. Definining

A variable in Python is defined through assignment. There is no concept of declaring a variable outside of that assignment.

>>> ten = 10
>>> ten

3.2. Dynamic Typing

In Python, while the value that a variable points to has a type, the variable itself has no strict type in its definition. You can re-use the same variable to point to an object of a different type. It may be helpful to think of variables as "labels" associated with objects.

>>> ten = 10
>>> ten
>>> ten = 'ten'
>>> ten

3.3. Strong Typing


While Python allows you to be very flexible with your types, you must still be aware of what those types are. Certain operations will require certain types as arguments.

>>> 'Day ' + 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects

This behavior is different from some other loosely-typed languages. If you were to do the same thing in JavaScript, you would get a different result.

d8> 'Day ' + 1
Day 1

In Python, however, it is possible to change the type of an object through builtin functions.

>>> 'Day ' + str(1)
'Day 1'

This type conversion can be a necessity to get the outcome that you want. For example, to force float division instead of integer division. Without an explicit conversion, the division of two integers will result in a third integer.

>>> 10 / 3

By converting one of the operands to a float, Python will perform float division and give you the result you were looking for (at least within floating point precision).

>>> float(10) / 3
>>> 10 / float(3)

You can also force the initial value to be a float by including a decimal point.

>>> 10.0 / 3

Make sure to account for order of operations, though. If you convert the result of integer division, it will be too late to get the precision back.

>>> float(10 / 3)

3.4. Internals

Each object in Python has three key attributes: a type, a value, and an id. The type and the id can be examined using the type() and id() functions respectively. The id is implementation-dependent, but in most standard Python interpreters represents the location in memory of the object.

>>> a = 1
>>> type(a)
<type 'int'>
>>> id(a)
>>> b = 2
>>> type(b)
<type 'int'>
>>> id(b)

Multiple instances of the same immutable may be optimized by the interpreter to, in fact, be the same instance with multiple labels. The next example is a continuation of the previous. Notice that by subtracting 1 from b, it’s value becomes the same as a and so does its id. So rather than changing the value at the location to which b points, b itself is changed to point to a location that holds the right value. This location may be the location of an already existing object or it may be a new location. That choice is an optimization made by the interpreter.

>>> b = b - 1
>>> b
>>> id(b)

Python uses reference counting to track how many of these labels are currently pointing to a particular object. When that count reaches 0, the object is marked for garbage collection after which it may be removed from memory.