Five Star Customer Service Excellence

Training Summary
Is the customer always right? To survive in today's competitive marketplace, we must deliver on the 4 R's of customer expectations. Both our internal and external customers expect responsive, reliable and results-oriented service based on a positive working relationship. The success of any organization comes from its ability to deliver on this promise and provide exceptional customer service that result in repeat business and happy customers. The Five Star Customer Service System will give you the skills and confidence to win new customers, retain existing customers and deal with those everyday difficult customer situations. You will delight your clients with your customer-oriented focus and you will impress your organization with the results you will achieve.This workshop is ideal for all levels of customer service representatives and support staff in any organization, including government, retail, calls centers, and service industries. You will learn the Five Star Customer Service System and how it will help you build a world-class customer-focused organization.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
1 Day/Lecture & Lab
This course is designed for managers, supervisors, and team leaders, members of work teams and project teams, and anyone who strives for a customer-focused organization.
Course Topics
  • Customers
  • Customer Needs
  • Communication
  • Customer Care

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