IBM Security zSecure RACF Management Workshop (TK252G)

Training Summary
In this workshop, you learn how to maintain a Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) database with IBM Security zSecure Admin. Also, you learn how to monitor the system with IBM Security zSecure Audit. In the hands-on exercises that are included, you act as a hypothetical RACF security administrator of the PMI company. In this job role, you are responsible for the definition of a RACF security environment for a specific department within the PMI corporation. You learn the basics of the security administration process and how to translate company security policies and guidelines into specific RACF profile definitions and settings. You also learn how to verify the quality and validity of the RACF profiles that you define. Finally, you learn how to interpret and report SMF events that are logged on the z/OS system during this workshop. Most of your RACF management workshop time, you spend on the completion of the exercises at your own pace. The instructor helps out and explains when this assistance is needed.
You must have a basic knowledge of, and experience with, RACF. In addition, you must also be familiar with the IBM Security zSecure Admin or Audit ISPF panel interface. It is recommended that you take IBM Security zSecurity Admin Basic Administration and Reporting.
2 Days/Lecture & Lab
This intermediate-level RACF management workshop is intended for users that are responsible for the management of, and reporting about, profiles and authorities in RACF. For example, security administrators, compliance officers, systems programmers, and potentially also auditors
Course Topics
  • Set up a RACF security environment for a hypothetical company based on their security policies and guidelines
  • Create and refresh the IBM Security zSecure Admin UNLOAD and CKFREEZE data sets
  • Maintain RACF user and group profiles
  • Implement role-based access with function groups
  • Define, maintain, and examine RACF data set profiles
  • Use and explain the Verify functions Protect all, All not empty, and Password
  • Define and verify started procedures
  • Review and, if applicable, maintain RACF audit settings
  • Report and examine SMF records
  • Clean up RACF profiles and, if applicable, data sets and catalog aliases

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