Introduction to ICEfaces

Training Summary
This intermediate-level course gives JSF developers a rapid introduction to the ICEfaces component library and Ajax framework. It can also be presented separately to students with JSF experience. We begin with backgrounders in both JSF custom component architecture and Ajax development, as these are essential to understanding both the purpose and the design of ICEfaces. Then, the bulk of class time is occupied in practical, hands-on exercise with ICEfaces. We focus on Ajax -- partial submits and responses, and Ajax Push -- and other cross-cutting features of the framework. Then we survey the component library, drilling down on a few of the most interesting components for demos and lab exercises
-Java programming experience is essential-JSP page-authoring experience is required-Servlets programming experience is recommended but not required-Basic knowledge of XML will be helpful, as will any previous experience with HTML
1 Day/Lecture & Lab
This course is intended primarily for experienced JSF application developers.
Course Topics
Custom Components::Ajax Applications::ICEfaces Architecture::ICEfaces Components

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