Welcome Mainline Information Systems Customers

Advanced IBM Z System Automation for z/OS Programming

Advanced MVS JCL and Utilities

Advanced REXX Programming

Advanced Topics in COBOL (Enterprise COBOL, z/OS)

ASP.NET Core MVC, Rev. 6.0

AZ-040T00: Automating Administration with PowerShell

06/03 - 06/07 Almost GTR
09/23 - 09/27 Almost GTR

AZ-800T00: Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure

05/13 - 05/16 Almost GTR

AZ-801T00: Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services

06/10 - 06/13 Almost GTR

Azure DevOps Project Manager Immersion

Azure DevOps Tester Immersion

Basic z/VM and Linux on IBM Z Operations Workshop

08/06 - 08/08 Almost GTR

BizTalk Server 2020 Developer Deep Dive

BizTalk Server 2020 Developer Immersion

CA Easytrieve v11.6 Report Generator 200

04/29 - 05/01 Almost GTR

CA-OPS/MVS Automation Point Notification Manager Essentials

CICS Command Level Programming

09/16 - 09/20 Almost GTR