Salt Open

Training Summary
RX-M's Salt training course teaches a best-practice approach to managing infrastructure using Salt configuration automation software and provides system administrators with the skills to implement Salt in complex enterprise environments. Students will take part in extensive hands-on labs, gaining experience and improving retention of concepts and processes covered by lecture and presentations. Students will learn how to write parameterized Salt States that leverage the Jinja templating engine or custom Python code, and utilize grains metadata and the Salt pillar. Additional topics covered in lecture & labs include: runners, job & event returners, event reactors, beacons, and orchestration. Practical aspects of Salt are also covered, including Salt-SSH, the Minion proc system, and Salt architectures and deployment models, including: multi-master solutions; Salt syndic; and masterless (standalone) Minions
1 Day/Lecture & Lab
Course Topics
  • Remote execution
  • Job & event management
  • Implementation of Salt States
  • SLS files, file management and State trees
  • Requisites and declarations
  • Jinja, Python, YAML & JSON renderers

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