BizTalk Expert Series: ESB

Training Summary
An Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is an architectural pattern and a key enabler in implementing the infrastructure for a service-oriented architecture (SOA). Real-world experience has demonstrated that an ESB is only one of many components required to build a comprehensive service-oriented infrastructure (SOI). The BizTalk ESB Toolkit is a collection of tools and libraries that extend BizTalk Server's capabilities of supporting a loosely coupled and dynamic messaging architecture to enable rapid mediation between services and their consumers. Enabling maximum flexibility at run time, the BizTalk ESB Toolkit simplifies loosely-coupled composition of service endpoints and management of service interactions. This course is designed for experienced BizTalk developers and architects who are responsible for planning, creating, and deploying BizTalk Server applications that utilize features of the ESB Toolkit. Attendees of this course will learn how to incorporate ESB Toolkit functions into existing and new BizTalk Server applications to provide more dynamic runtime experiences. This course culminates in a day-long workshop in which students build an end-to-end integration solution utilizing the skills learned in this course.
.Students should be experienced in core BizTalk Server development concepts and skills. The course assumes that attendees already know how to create schemas, maps, pipelines, and orchestrations, and are looking to expand their BizTalk Server development skills to include the features in the ESB Toolkit
3 Days/Lecture & Lab
This course is designed for experienced BizTalk Server Developers who have attended QuickLearn Training's BizTalk Developer Immersion course or have at least one year of hands-on experience developing BizTalk Server applications
Course Topics
  • Understanding the BizTalk ESB Toolkit
  • Installing the ESB Toolkit
  • Processing Messages Using the ESB Itinerary Mechanism
  • ESB Pipeline Processing
  • The ESB Resolver and Adapter Provider Framework
  • Using ESB External Services
  • Exception Management and the ESB Management Portal
  • Modifying and Extending the BizTalk ESB Toolkit
  • End-to-end Workshop using ESB

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