Business Writing for Impact and Influence

Training Summary
Would you like to write more effectively? Have you forgotten what you learned in school? Would you like to have a greater impact and influence on your readers? Today's business environment relies heavily on the written word. Whether you're answering email, writing a detailed report, or responding to a customer query, your effectiveness will be judged by your ability to write in a clear and concise manner.Each participant receives a workbook and bibliography of helpful references. Program participants are encouraged to participate in writing exercises throughout the day and there is an opportunity for one-on-one consulting to answer specific questions and evaluate personal writing styles.
There are no prerequisites required for this course.
2 Days/Lecture & Lab
This course is designed for anyone who is required to present ideas in writing.
Course Topics
  • Writing as if Your Career Depended on It
  • How to Get Started
  • Structuring Correspondence
  • Additional Topics

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