Skills for Effective Presentations

Training Summary
Does speaking in front of a room of people make your knees knock? Would you like to master the art of public speaking? Do you want to have a greater impact on your audience? The impact we have on our organization is largely based on how well we communicate our ideas. Whether we are providing information to an internal audience or making an impassioned plea externally, we need to be confident in our ability to express ourselves.This course is specifically designed to reduce the anxiety of public speaking and to instill a level of confidence you never thought possible. Like learning any other skill, we reduce the fear of the unknown and practice, practice, practice, until you are actually looking forward to your next speaking opportunity! Gain practical tips that you can apply immediately. Participate in a number of different exercises and gain the confidence to become an accomplished public speaker.Designed for small groups, the program is led by an experienced public speaker that will entertain, inform and inspire you.
There are no prerequisites required for this course.
2 Days/Lecture
This course is designed for anyone who is required to do occasional or frequent presentations to internal or external audiences.
Course Topics
  • But I Can't Breathe!
  • Confidence is Key
  • Step-by-Step to the Basics
  • Beyond Words
  • The "Worst Speech You Have Ever Heard"!
  • Tips and Tricks for Maximum Impact
  • Effective Use of Visual Aids
  • It's All in the Delivery

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