z/OS Internals Workshop

Training Summary
This course provides a detailed examination of z/OS for systems programmers. Topics include an introduction to z/OS architecture, system services and functions, storage management mechanisms, and I/O processes. Each section will also explore the associated control block structures associated with the z/OS operations being looked at. In addition, the student will become familiar with using the z/OS Data Areas documentation, and analyzing numerous dumps and trace data to gather information about problems.
Due to the technical nature of this material, the student should have several years experience in the z/OS environment.
5 Days/Lecture & Lab
This course is designed for experienced systems programmers with a need for a more detailed understanding of z/OS functions.
Course Topics
  • Introduction to Computer Systems Architecture
  • z/OS Architecture
  • System Initialization (IPL)
  • System Services and Functions
  • Storage Management Mechanisms
  • I/O Processing
  • z/OS Exploitation Opportunities
  • z/OS Workload Management

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